A unique initiative, launched in Financial Year 2022-23, Wellness @ Workplace or Serve XL Me Room is a very High quality me-time to improve psychological wellbeing and also make you more engaged team player.

Since the inception of Team Welfare Programme at Public and Private Sector companies, Serve XL Enterprises has viewed its people as its greatest asset. Measures taken by the Company has become a part of modern India’s way of delivering work. The Company endeavors to be an ‘Employer of Choice’ by fostering an environment of aspirational goal setting, continuous improvement, in addition to health and safety, and corporate responsibility. Me-Room initiative is a platform to provide solution to issues related to productivity, quality, safety and welfare of the team.

This free space aims to eliminate distractions and disconnect from mobile devices, which improves psychological well-being and can keep team members engaged and productive. As you may be aware, unplugging from mobile devices and social media allows us to regroup, refuel, and reset, which is crucial to our well-being and has significant career benefits. Let’s all make it a grand success and utilize Me Room in a very productive and a fruitful way.